Code First DBInitiazation

The code first approach creates database automatically.Now we will see how EF knows the database name and server while executing code first approach.
The Entity Framework knows by seeing the parameter in the constructor of context class.
There are 3 parameters which are accepeted by EF.
No Parameter:

namespace CustomerDatalayer
public class CustomerContext:DbContext
public CustomerContext():base(){}
public DbSet customers{get;set;}
public DbSet customeraddresses{get;set;}
public DbSet orders{get;set;}

Database Name:

namespace CustomerDatalayer
public class CustomerContext:DbContext
public CustomerContext():base('CustomerDB'){}
public DbSet customers{get;set;}
public DbSet customeraddresses{get;set;}
public DbSet orders{get;set;}

Connection String Name:

namespace CustomerDatalayer
public class CustomerContext:DbContext
public CustomerContext():base('name=CustomerDBConnectionString'){}
public DbSet customers{get;set;}
public DbSet customeraddresses{get;set;}
public DbSet orders{get;set;}